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Monday, July 1, 2013

July 2013

Chess - Wisdom & Interest

"Tartakower once wrote that after planting a Knight in the center you can go to sleep.  This is not to be taken literally, of course, but it contains more than a germ of truth."

Dimitrij Marufow Art

Reading Self Help book, Move in a Straight Line Today!

The New York Times, Chess:

Keeping Eyes on the Clock as Well as the Board

          Chess is already a hard game for me to play. And I already have enough ANGST in my life. So why add a CLOCK? Read the June 1, 2013 article to learn about the Special Clocks and why some chess grandmasters would like ... a little more time. It also contains some comments from Samuel Reshevsky (above).

Games by Year from

Alexander Alekhine vs Freeman, New York, 1924

White to move. Mate in 3 moves.
Do you know the next 3 (correct) moves?  Click here to submit your answers.  Library patrons who submit the correct answers to the chess puzzle will be entered for a July 26th drawing. Good luck!

June solution: Ra8 +